Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Hello Everyone!

Sorry I know the last time I said I'd be able to post things more often, but I was not able to. After that post I got busy again with catching up with people and somethings. I needed to sort out all my things and get my priorities straight. At the same time I wanted to post things with pictures on it, but I have no time to do it yet I am trying to do some photos, collect and trying to create ideas with the posts.

Now I have a new job and loving it so far, but at the same time I think that I want to do more. I am having fun, but I want to do more stuff on the side, even if it takes all my energy to do this one. I think I just need some motivation to keep me going after work. So far my schedule has been Work then go home, with the occasional going out with cousins and family, I don't really have someone to go out with and explore new things since I have limited friends at the moment.

If you have any suggestions on what I can get as a side job that does not need to travel or go places, has flexible hours and even on a minimum wadge feel free to comment please. I really need something to occupy my mind right now. I'll greatly appreciate it!

Hope to share with you soon.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Coming back after a long break...

Hi everyone, 

It's been a while since I've last posted something here, and here is a little hint of what I've done since. 

Moving into  new apartment with 5 room mates and trying to adjust myself into have more people around, selling my furniture and working into a different department from my last position, finishing my internship, having some time off and enjoying the last days in the city that I grew to love, graduating, travelling with my room mates, applying jobs and now accepting reality into my life that I am officially unemployed and to top things off trying to adjust myself again into a different city.

Well here comes the real world, with having to decide and take control of the things you can, taking my own advises for other people into my life and at the same time enjoying it. 

I'll be posting more things these coming days to catch-up on the things that has been happening.
I hope that you'll enjoy it!